Sunday, 18 May 2008

Tragedy =(

Throw your emo-ness, selfish thinkings all into the rubbish chute. If you have been following the news, it has been a week. A week ago, earthquake happened in Si Chuan. Bodies found, lives claimed away by the cruel natural "monster". It's so heartless. Lives of innocent people, living in their own towns, little kids studying in schools, gone just like that.

See the news, read the newspaper, and you will know how fortunate you are. Living under a roof, enjoying air-con like you always did. For once, open your heart if the matter bothers you abit. Whether you are working or not, Save up a little bit, just a teeny weeny little bit, and donate it to the people who needs it.

The victims involved need the money, so donate generously.

News have it. A little baby, about 3-4 months old, was found alive. In the arms of the passed-away mother, the baby survived. Its obvious the mum had tried protected her child, thus ther arms. Its believed the mum had put the nip in the mouth of the baby for milk supply. Such noble and self-less love. Think about this, and think for your mum. Love her.